Monday, November 1, 2010

Using Blogs

A blog is a web page! Did you know that? Yes it is...but can you create a web page? It is not a difficult task. A blog contains text, images and links. The entries on a blog are called posts.

You may be saying, "I am not teaching technology, so I do not need to create a blog." Blog entries are posted in reverse order and provide links to previous entries. Teachers can create classroom blogs to communicate with parents and others about class activities. Students can join in and add posts to the classroom blog as well.

Here are some well known blog software used in education:

  1. Blogger (

  2. Wordpress (

  3. Edublog (www://


  1. I really think that teachers should integrate blogs in their teaching.

  2. i totally agree with Marlon, as the world has gone in the technical era and many students use the web as a mean of communicating.

  3. Please enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
